What makes a blog post popular?

Have you ever wondered why some blog posts are more popular then others? Yes? Me too!

So let’s take a look at what makes some bloggers content so popular.

But before we do, let us get our cuppa’s & enjoy sipping them together. As…

The very act of preparing and serving tea encourages conversation. The little spaces in time created by teatime rituals call out to be filled with conversation. Even the tea itself–warm and comforting–inspires a feeling of relaxation and trust that fosters shared confidences.” 

~Emilie Barnes

I love that quote which I found on my friend Pam’s Springtime tea blog post a few weeks ago. It echoes what I have always observed about enjoying a cuppa together with others.

A cup of tea (or coffee) in the hand brings a sense of relaxation, intimacy & trust between those sharing that time as nothing else does.

Now that we have our cuppa’s in hand, let’s take a look at our topic for today.

What makes a blog post more popular then others?

When I did a cursory search online to see what results would pop up to answer the above question, a plethora of advice and information appeared, in fact 3,960,000,000 results!

But the information I read was rather general in nature & didn’t really give any type of specific formula for success.

So I looked at some of my fellow bloggers most popular posts & reviewed some of my own most viewed posts to glean a little wisdom on the subject.

And what I noticed was that a few themes started appearing as to why some blog posts were more popular then others.

pancakes tea and porch with fruits on the table

The Themes

The common themes I noticed running through the more popular blog posts were mainly they had correlated to what was happening in the world at the time the blog post was published.

And what readers found either informative to enable them to process those events or what they found interesting to deflect or take their mind off those events.

I’ll give you some examples from my own posts because I’m not privileged to other blogger’s statistics.

Before the Pandemic one of my more popular blog posts was in how to deal with disappointment;

Layers of disappointment

Why? If we look at the headlines in 2019 then there is a direct correlation to world events & people feeling disappointed;

  • Brexit Upends British Politics
  • The Amazon Burns
  • The U.S. House Impeaches President Donald Trump

Then during the first year of the Panademic one of my more popular posts was;

The last, I love you!

As the panademic had bought much sadness & loss to so many across the globe & people needed to share in how other’s were coping with their losses.

In 2021 after experiencing a second year of lock downs, more loss & heartbreak, readers needed to know there was a hope beyond this strange new world we were all dealing with in;

Nanny, what’s Heaven like?

Then as we entered a new world of post pandemic trauma, many readers noticed that certain family members were experiencing concerning behaviours & related to;

Behaviour that needs your attention!

The magic formula…

I think the magic formula for writing a post that has people coming back for more is to keep the following question in mind as a blogger; Why am I blogging?

The answer to that question is what we need to keep in the forefront of our mind when sitting down to write our posts.


Because it will keep us focused & faithful in turning up each week for our readers.

My reason for writing isn’t to have the most popular blog online nor to have the most popular blog post ever written.

But to share my experiences, earned from the hard lessons of life to give encouragement to all who join me here, in this little corner of the blogsphere, in their own journey of life.

Echoing the following wisdom that I have personally experienced many times over;

‘Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ…

 the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, 

who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in trouble

with the comfort we ourselves have received from God…’

2 Corinthians 1: 2-4 Ref

Until next time,


You’re most welcome to join me in The Reading Nook


In Prayer

© 2023 Jennifer M. Ross, teawithjennifer.blog All Rights Reserved. Photo by Vikki on Pexels.com 

Featured at Esme’s Senior Salon Pit Stop & Melyanda’s Senior Salon Pit Stop

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46 thoughts on “What makes a blog post popular?

  1. Melynda Egger Brown

    Wonderful insights to our personal need(s) to find information when we need it! Have a great week ahead, take care.

  2. Great thoughts. Yes, I think that the main things that pulls a reader in is interest and connection, something that the reader wants to learn more about or be inspired by or just plain enjoy.

    I’ve been blogging for 14+ years, and for a while I felt a little disheartened by not seeing any comments on my blog posts. It took me a while to realize that comments don’t always equal success. When I look at my blog stats now, the most-visited post has over 13,000 views and something like 6 comments. People seem to not want to actually connect but just view. I don’t look too much at stats these days. Plus, I sometimes have people tell me, “Oh I loved your post about…” without commenting. All this makes it hard for me to gauge what’s successful and helpful, but as you mentioned, sharing something that makes a difference to someone is why we keep doing it, even if it’s just one person.

    Visiting from Senior Salon Pit Stop.

    1. Thank you Jennifer & congratulations on blogging for that long! That’s amazing!! Well done!

      It’s interesting what we focus on to measure success in blogging… Don’t you think? It seems it’s different for each blogger.

      Yes, sharing for the One is the best focus I find, anything after that is a bonus.
      It’s been lovely to have you join me here today in a cuppa ☺️

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