
Welcome, I invite you to brew a cup of tea, coffee or hot chocolate, add a tasty treat of delight and join me for a few minutes of reflection.

I have always enjoyed a nice cup of tea, I feel that being able to sit in the time it takes to drink a good cuppa & delight in a sweet or savory treat helps to still our minds & souls…which is very important for our wellbeing.

When I was counseling

I would offer a cuppa to those who sought counsel, as I found that having a time together over a “cuppa” would create a relaxed time of a shared focus.

One of my favorite tea blends is Lady Grey tea, a mild black tea blended with bergamot & a touch of citrus. It can be taken either black or as I enjoy it with milk & sugar.

As I write this I am enjoying just such a cup today & my treat is a sweet bite of deliciousness covered with dark chocolate.

You know, life can be likened to a cup of Lady Grey tea at times, things seem to be mild, not in the fast lane and not in the slow lane but mild.

Some days seem common place like the black tea, but if we linger and taste awhile, we can see that our life is flavored with touches of blessings in the everyday common place like the citrus and bergamot in Lady Grey.

A Blessing is unique for each person

In what is perceived as a blessing for one, can seem like a curse to another who may be observing from afar.

For it all depends on the perceptions of the receiver & the onlooker, like the preference for having your tea black, white or with sugar.

beautiful beautiful flowers bloom blooming

I have seen that the blessings that flavor my life is the life I have lived. It has been a full life with both joyful & sad times but I am here to write my story & that is a blessing in itself.

As we sit for our tea time together each week, I will share the wisdom I have learned through times that you may find encouraging, enlightening & flavorsome.

Have you thought of the blessings that may be flavoring your life lately?

Well my tea is now finished and the tasty delight of dark chocolate, coconut and citrus still lingers upon my tongue.

I invite you to join me for tea and delights again dear friend…

Until next time,


You’re most welcome to join in The Reading Nook


In Prayer

© 2018 Jennifer M. Ross, , All Rights Reserved. Photo on

Blog link ups & featured at Haddon Musings

20 thoughts on “Perceptions…

  1. Paula @ Gracefilled Moments

    I love your treats and I love Lady Grey Tea. However, you spoke about French Lady Grey Tea a few months back and it piqued my interest but I can’t find it anywhere. I even looked online and couldn’t find it. Insert sad face here, lol.
    Thanks so very much for sharing this blessed message with Sweet Tea & Friends this month sweet friend.

  2. Laura Thomas

    This all sounds so delicious, Jennifer! I’m enjoying the blessings of having my youngest still here for a few more weeks until he leaves for University on the other side of Canada… and a new chapter begins. Thanks for sharing your heart. Stopping by from #countinyblessings (rather apt!)

  3. Had to go get a cup of tea before I finished your post, even though I usually drink coffee. 🙂 We are just winding up one of those blessings. Even though we’re tired after having out of town grandchildren for about 6 weeks, we’re acutely aware of how it has seasoned our lives!

  4. There are definitely blessings to be found in the routine of everyday life. Thanks for this reminder to look for them. And I like your point that like we have different preferences about tea we can have different ideas about what constitutes a blessing too.

  5. I blessed by having my three girls. It’s my second daughter’s 5th birthday tomorrow and I’ve been going through pictures and videos of the past few years. While I was watching a video from three years ago, I got some tears in my eyes. It’s crazing how much my girls have grown – my oldest, Katie is now 6. They were so little in the video and looked so cute interacting with each other while they played in their play kitchen. I am very blessed to have my girls and I’m glad I’m their mother.

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