Viral kindness

Hi, welcome to my little corner of cyberspace my friend! I have a delightful cuppa ready for our time of reflection together in peaceful & serene surroundings the sun is shining & the birds are chirping.

First get yourself comfy with a coffee or tea & a comforting little treat, block out all the news updates that demand your attention for a while to draw apart, refresh & gain a new perspective.

I have my favorite tea blend today, Earl Grey. My treat is a healthy home baked Coconut & Date slice because when things seem out of control we need the comfort of well known favorites…Don’t you find?

I thought our reflection time today would focus upon reminding ourselves who we are…

Human Behavior

If you visit here often then you’ll be aware that professionally, human behavior & therapy is my specialty.

In the light of discouraging adult behavior that has crossed our screens & reached our ears during the Pandemic & since; people rushing to hoard supplies & weapons, publicly fighting over supplies in supermarkets & stealing supplies from the disabled!

I’d like to focus upon the encouraging behavior of two little girls here in Australia who heard that the elderly, frail & disabled may not have enough toilet paper or facial tissues in their neighborhood when panic buying started (which was a new phenomenon in my country).

So these two little girls, one 6 years old & the other 4 years old asked their Mamas if they could raid their piggy banks, go to the store & buy supplies with their own pocket money!

They then put these supplies in their little pull along Wagon, one carrying her teddy bear the other her dolly on their big adventure of kindness.

With their Mamas walking closely behind, they knocked on doors of the elderly, frail & disabled. Handing out toilet rolls & boxes of tissues in their community! *

This is the behavior we are called to do my friend, out of the hearts of babe’s came love one for another, sharing resources & making sure our neighbors who are our fellow human beings are all okay!

“…Love your neighbor as yourself.”

Matthew 22:39

Let us share some love & kindness with our neighbors & the most vulnerable in our societies even if its just a phone call or shout over the fence!

Let’s start a kindness movement that goes viral!

I invite you to leave your acts of kindness below in the comments section to inspire others!

Until next time,


You’re welcome to join me in The Reading Nook

Or in Prayer

© 2020 Jennifer M. Ross,, All Rights Reserved. * Photo & story Source.

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38 thoughts on “Viral kindness

  1. Shonnie

    This is such a beautiful post! The adorable girls are being raised well.😊 Kindness is something that we all should strive to have. Despite our circumstances. Mathew 22:39 is such a wonderful scripture. As well as this one:

    Galatians 5:22,23-On the other hand, the fruitage of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith,mildness, self-control. Against such things there is no law. 🌸

  2. A precious reminder that kindness in every form is what the world needs more of… these darlings and their mama inspire us all. One person, one kind deed at a time, together we can brighten the days of those around us. ❤ God bless the world! xo

  3. Thank you for sharing the story of those two little girls. What a blessing they are to the community. I am texting friends/family each day to stay in touch and reaching out to my neighbors to see if they need anything. Every act of kindness helps.

  4. Jennifer–I appreciate this post. I’m hungering to hear sweet news instead of ONLY the bad! Something people are doing around me right now is sewing face masks for doctors and nurses because we are low on supplies until production catches up to the need. It’s a very lovely thing to see!

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