What’s Your Inner Narrative telling you?

There are many fascinating narratives about so many different topics.

But there is one narrative that is continually being narrated…

Welcome dear friend, I have a tray of delights ready for our tea time in the garden as we enjoy our beautiful sunny  weather here in Australia.

The Little Wattle birds are back busy making their nests & squawking their squawk.

Now we are seated, enjoying our cuppa, shall we reflect upon what narratives actually are & how much influence they have upon our lives.

What are Narratives?

Beginning with the following definition & meaning of the word;


  • is a story telling

When I was a child I was introduced to the wonderful world of books by my Uncle who was a Senior High School Educator for the Deaf community.

I loved reading books & being transported to the fascinating worlds within their pages.


Throughout the years as a Mama & Grandmama I have also read many stories to my daughters & grandchildren… as shared in Little Miss L.


And as a writer I continually formulate narratives from the everyday world around me.

Many are shared here with you in our times of reflection together.

But today I thought we would reflect upon the narrative within.

The narrative that we continually tell & retell ourselves, the one that is in continual motion.

How our internal narrative develops

This internal narrative often captivates many of our thoughts & long held beliefs on life that we quite often are unaware of until they’re challenged.

How are our inner narratives developed?

Well we develop our inner narrative through the lens of our family & cultural background, childhood experiences, core beliefs & moral compasses.

Then as we go through life, various circumstances that we experience will either confirm or challenge our inner narrative.

However, our inner narrative may not always be true, as we can have a false narrative as our inner truth.

Let me personalize this for you…

I was recently challenged with the following questions in a Bible study;

  • How do you see God?
  • What is your personal narrative about God’s love for you?

I set about reflecting upon these questions.

I have a very loving Dad in this life, so to see God as my Heavenly Father in a loving, fair & just way is easy for me.

However, I do realize this is not always the case for everyone & it may be quite challenging if you did not have a loving Dad growing up to see God in this light. 

So, my personal narrative of God is that He is a caring, loving & protective provider who only wants the best for me.

Challenging our inner narrative

Then came the following questions…

  • Was there an expectation or perception when growing up, in having to earn love through your accomplishments, merit or standard of behavior?
  • Does your inner narrative of God have these same perceptions in having to earn His love through what you do for Him?

Hmmm! That stopped me in my tracks!

These were very thought provoking & challenging questions.

In reflection;

There was an expectation & a standard of excellence in our family.

So I had to ask myself the following question; am I doing for God’s love instead of being in His love?

Then this week another question really stood out…

What is your inner narrative about God’s love for you in your present circumstances?

Hmmm! Very thought provoking indeed!

As I have chronic health conditions, one being chronic pain, I need to ponder these for a while, stay tuned…

I invite you to join me in reflecting & journaling about your inner narrative using the following questions as a catalyst dear friend;

What is your inner narrative?

Is it an inner truth or a falsehood?

Until next time,


You’re most welcome to join me in The Reading Nook

Or in Prayer

© 2019 Jennifer M. Ross, teawithjennifer.blog, photo © Jennifer, All Rights Reserved.

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41 thoughts on “What’s Your Inner Narrative telling you?

  1. My inner narrative used to be nasty, she was critical and down putting. But as I age and mature in Christ, I’m always reminded of who HE says I am, and now my inner narrative, she’s pretty nice to me. Jennifer, this is such an insightful and encouraging lesson here.
    Visiting today from Anita’s

  2. Joanne

    My inner narrative in general tends to be very harsh and critical and it’s such slow going to change that! I’m trying to get there though.

    1. I’m glad you’re in the process of changing your inner narrative Joanne. 😊

      On a side note your comment section on your blog doesn’t process my comments, it constantly comes up with ‘error’ 🤔

  3. It’s so important that our narrative is informed with biblical truth. I used to feel like a complete failure and beat myself up whenever I messed up to any degree. Realizing that God extended grace helped me to extend grace to myself. It’s then easy for that to slide the other way toward not holding ourselves accountable and making excuses. But walking according to Scripture, we know we’re sinners and won’t be perfect til heaven, yet we rely on God’s strength to do His will, and when we fail, we rest in His arms of grace and forgiveness.

  4. Listening and trying to figure out our inner narrative stories is so important. I know I have learned a lot about myself by listening. Sometimes I find they are voices of other people, say my mother. But interestingly enough, I think we remember and our brain plays the negative voices and not the positive ones. Therefore seeing the lies they contain is so helpful. So we can evaluate and break the lie.

  5. I need to consider my inner narrative every day! A friend of mine recently told me that she’s writing her narrative down on index cards. If it isn’t right, true, noble, pure, lovely, or admirable – she’s writing the truth down on the other side of the card. Love that idea! Thank you for the thoughtful post…

  6. Jennifer, I loved reading about narratives. My father was a natural storyteller. I think I inherited his storytelling abilities, which is why I like to write stories in my blog. Most of my posts begin with stories.

    Our inner narratives can and should change throughout our lives. Good for you for being flexible enough mentally, spiritually, and emotionally to think about the thought-provoking questions and examine your inner narratives. You have inspires me to do the same thing! I love learning from other bloggers!

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