Flourishing when all seems lost…

Today we are going on a walk…a walk that revealed such amazing wisdom…we will have our regular cuppa & treat when we return…


We amble down the boardwalk at the waterfront. This boardwalk winds through a coastal marshy reserve with native ferns, grasses, many beautiful species of Gums & a Koala habitat. The gums are in blossom at the moment, so we can smell their sweet nectar as we wander deeper into the undergrowth. The tide is receding from its high status, so the waves are gently lapping the shore beneath our feet where the boardwalk extends out over the water, covering the sand flats where the Ibis, Egrets & Sandpipers can be seen scouraging at low tide…it’s a beautiful warm Spring day…

As we wander along enjoying the beauty of this amazing water wonderland …we round a bend & just ahead through the foliage we catch a glimpse of a ghostly trunk protruding from the sea. I comment that this beautiful stately Gum, along with two others nearby sadly met their demise in a huge storm we had awhile ago. The ground literally was washed out from under them by the relentless crashing waves, causing them to fall not far from where they had once stood tall in their majestical splendor…


Then as we draw closer to the ghostly white trunks we notice something extraordinary has happened…there is new growth on two of the three that had fallen, although submerged in saltwater for up to 12 hours a day…a branch has started to take the shape of a new strong & thickened trunk out of the fallen one! It is flourishing in its new circumstances when all had seemed lost!


How can this be?

On further investigation as the tide ebbs, we notice that it’s roots extend from its fallen trunk & disappear into the solid earth of the shore, where it is obviously drawing the nutrients it needs to counteract being submerged in salt water!


This is such a poignant lesson…life storms such as betrayal, relationship breakdown, divorce, death of a loved one, loss of a job, cancer diagnosis, chronic illness or a dearly loved child making unwise choices can hit us at anytime & literally wash the ground out from under us causing our resolve to fall, leaving us feeling battered bruised & vulnerable. We may find ourselves submerged in a sea of life change that we neither welcome nor desire.

But if our roots have been growing in fertile ground that has been nourishing us, we will cling to our faith for that extra strength & wisdom in these times. Knowing that our Creator has promised never to leave nor forsake us & we will definitely be able to flourish in this new season with all its tides of change… 

I invite you to share in a cup of Maple tea… where I share how both tree roots & our roots are fascinatingly nourished or not (click or tap on the colored text for the link). 

We are seated now at a picnic table overlooking the water with our delicious cup of Maple tea…, reflecting upon the wisdom of nourishing our soul within the circumstances we find ourselves & growing strong where we are planted…

How are you nourishing the roots of your soul dear friend & how often do you stop to be refreshed…when was the last time you felt truly restored…the ancients left us the following wisdom;

“Watch over your soul with all diligence. For from it flow the springs of life.”

Proverbs 4: 23

Until next time…



© teawithjennifer.blog Photos by Jennifer All Rights Reserved.

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60 thoughts on “Flourishing when all seems lost…

  1. Laura Thomas

    Thank you so much for sharing your precious find, Jennifer! Oh, that our roots would be deep in Christ to weather the storms of today… Also, being in Canada, I really appreciate your maple tea suggestion! 🤗Stopping by from #graceandtruth link-up. Blessings to you.

  2. Oh Jennifer I’m so glad you re-shared this post this week at the #LMMLinkup. That tree and it’s stretching roots are so fascinating! What a precious picture of how the Lord wants to help us stretch our roots so deep in Him. Blessings and love to you Dear Friend!

  3. Sylvia | Grace for a Gypsy

    Congratulations! This post was featured as the post with the MOST CLICKS at the Gathering of Friends Link Party 9

  4. Sylvia | Grace for a Gypsy

    What a beautiful reminder that we need to stay rooted in Him! Thanks for linking up with us at the GATHERING OF FRIENDS LINK PARTY 8 PINNNED

  5. I appreciate the real-life pictures, Jennifer. Thank you for the reminder that our hope is in Him. he has given us everything we need to flourish. May we always make it a priority to spend time in His Word and quality time conversing with Him. I hope you and yours have a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend and God bless.

    1. You’re very welcome Horace, yes we need that quality time with God & His Word each day 😀

      We don’t have a Thanksgiving holiday here in Australia but I love the concept!

      Wishing you a joyous thanksgiving in your celebrations with your family. Blessings…

  6. An Ordinary Mom

    I love learning about new places and I love that with your post I got to travel to Australia with the pictures. Nature gives us some pretty powerful lessons.

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