Flight delay, life delay…

My eldest daughter & I had enjoyed morning tea with a delicious Gf caramel nut slice at the airport café.

Having arrived early for my scheduled flight home, after visiting with family who live interstate.

We walked to the boarding gate where I could see our aircraft through the windows, I had an uneasy feeling about this aircraft…hmmmm…

Travelling Home

We all boarded the aircraft efficiently & effectively having hugged our loved ones farewell at the boarding gate, we sat in our allocated seats, buckled up, happy the flight was on time to travel to our destination.

Over the intercom came the call for certain named passengers to make themselves known to flight crew. I wondered the reason…

As passengers we smiled at each other, strangers & yet companions in travel, chit chatting together while pulling out puzzle books, magazines & crosswords to keep ourselves occupied on the flight.

Another announcement issued over the intercom this time from the Pilot.

Two people had not boarded the aircraft but their checked baggage had already been loaded.

Which meant that with new security laws, the baggage now had to be located in the hold & unloaded before we could take off, a 40 minute delay would ensue.

The lady next to me muttered about inconsiderate people as we sat in our seats on board doing our puzzles & crosswords.

I wondered what may have happened to these people who had already checked their baggage but had not boarded.

photography of airplane during sunrise

Then the following thought crossed my mind, there is always a reason for delays, interruptions to our schedules or a change in plan.

Especially when we have committed the day to the Lord (my daughter, grandsons & I had prayed together that morning).

Sometimes we get to know the reason & other times not…

As I sat in my seat & pulled out my Gf sushi lunch I had in my handbag, grateful for something to eat while I waited as it was now past lunchtime.

The Pilot once again announced over the intercom, a problem.

Apparently while unloading the baggage from the hold, an issue with the outside of the aircraft had been spotted, which had been missed in preflight checks that needed urgent rectification by the Engineers before we could fly!

Ahhh, there was the reason, the lady sitting next to me commented that this changed the situation entirely & I replied,

“Praise God for people who don’t turn up with checked baggage already in the hold!”

She nodded & smiled…

Our flight was uneventful once in the air with a perfect landing & while 70 minutes late, not one passenger complained!

Rather we were all were grateful to be safe, alive & well at our destination & thankful for the delay!

Patience verses Impatience

We often get impatient in the delays that come into our lives, don’t we?

We think things should happen in our timing or according to our schedule rather than God’s timing.

But we can’t see the beginning or the end only God can.

He is not restricted by our time.

Just as delays may be necessary for safe travel, life delays may be necessary for the timing of circumstances  to align for the journey to be fruitful!

Let us not be so focused on our timing for things in our lives.

Rather, may we focus on trust & hope that God is working on whatever we have committed to Him.

Though we may not be able to see it.

The Great Engineer is rectifying the issues before we or others can fly!

Until next time dear friend,


You’re most welcome to join me in The Reading Nook

Or in Prayer

© 2018 Jennifer M. Ross, teawithjennifer.blog All Rights Reserved. Photo by Pexel.com

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46 thoughts on “Flight delay, life delay…

  1. Beautiful perspective, Jennifer. God has shown me over and over that His timing is always, ALWAYS perfect. Even when I don’t understand the delays, He knows. I’ve learned (and sometimes have to be reminded) to trust Him with the unknowns. SO glad you arrived safely!

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