A little Miss

Hi, today we are passing through a door to a world of wonder, delight & amazement, come on in, I have been waiting for you to join us.

I have prepared a mini Gf Apple cake with a dollop of Lf cream on the side, accompanied with an Australian afternoon tea which is a strong black tea that contrasts the taste of the Apple & the cream perfectly.

This is such a delicious combination, I hope you are enjoying this as much as I am.

We shall begin our time of reflection together.

Through the eyes of a child

Have you ever looked through the eyes of a child.

The world looks so amazingly different compared to our jaded adult eyes, don’t you think?

But what about seeing the world through the eyes of a child with unique & special abilities (also known as special needs & disabilities).

My seven year old granddaughter little Miss L has just such unique & special abilities, from a wee babe she has shown unique ways of communicating with the world around her & with those of us whom are a part of her world.

Little Miss L has such an amazing love for life & for all around her.

She enjoys gathering us together for group hugs & lavishing kisses upon us.

I took her on a little Miss L & Nani date a few weeks ago for a school holiday treat.

I had planned a Teddy Bear’s picnic in the park but because of the freezing temperatures here it was far too cold for that plan.

woman reading a book

Our holiday treat

So we went to plan B, to the Art Gallery where they had a Sensory Exhibition for children.

It was a lovely warm fun time together, the exhibition was interactive & they had an area set up in the exhibition as a lounge room for a “reading experience”.

Little Miss L loves sitting snuggled into my side when reading story books together.

We read 7 such books sitting together with little Miss L’s arm around this little Nani (I am tiny too). Sooo cute…

Then we decided to have a picnic lunch in the warmth of the car out of the icy blasts of the wind.

Where we had parked the car there was a group of our tall Australian Eucalyptus trees, a sports oval & passing traffic.

Little Miss L pointed out the wonder of the wind blowing through the leaves in the Eucalyptus’ & the low flying aircraft overhead.

Then wound down the window of the car door, hung out as far as she could to wave to the pilot (with Nani holding onto her!).

She saw a bus & told me her big sister & brother go on a bus like that to their school.

A sportsman walked past & little Miss L was fascinated by his brightly coloured sports shoes.

Everything was such wonder, amazement & delight to our little Miss L.

she had opened the door of wonder & awe of the little things around us & it was delightfully infectious!

As we drove along we sang at the top of our voices a family song that I sang with my parents, my daughter’s sang & now my grandchildren sing with me.

Little Miss L especially loves the yeh, yeh, yehs (that her voice has mastered)!

This all sounds like a fun & simple day out & it was absolutely a fun & enjoyable day with my amazing little granddaughter.

But nothing has been simple for our little Miss L.

Just a few of her unique & special abilities are (shared with the permission of her Mama);

  • Apraxia of Speech means she has not yet mastered verbal language, but is mastering sign language beyond my knowledge of signing. She has her voice!
  • Low muscle tone means muscle control for differing functions we take for granted, are difficult for her but Little Miss L keeps on trying. She has tenacity!
  • Hearing loss means that sounds to our little Miss L are as we hear underwater. But Little Miss L constantly keeps listening & pointing out the sounds she can hear like they are beautiful gifts to her. She has a beautiful appreciative spirit!

The extraordinary in the ordinary

The world for our little Miss L may be more challenging than for those of us who may not have her unique & special abilities.

But to our Little Miss L she takes these all in her stride.

Because to her, her world is full of wonder, awe & love for others.

The pure joy in the ordinary that she sees is absolutely extraordinary!

Just as the ancients wrote,

“Things which eye has not seen and ear has not heard,  And which have not entered the heart of man, All that God has done and prepared for those who love Him.” 

1 Corinthians  2:9 Refer

Let us be mindful dear friend, of the wondrous joys that the Creator of the universe has for us, as through the eyes of a child who sees the extraordinary in our ordinary.

May we all come to see the blessings that are being bestowed upon us.

Until next time,


You’re most welcome to join me in The Reading Nook

Or in Prayer

© 2018 Jennifer M. Ross, teawithjennifer.blog All rights reserved. Photo by Pexels.com

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24 thoughts on “A little Miss

  1. AprilNelson25

    This is beautiful!! As I read it made me think of my niece. She’s actually adopted and the story of how my sister and brother-in-law were chosen to be her parents is all intertwined into the miracle of this precious little girl. She has the amazing ability to sense the emotion of people she’s around. At the young age of 3 it’s like she knows exactly who needs a laugh, a hug or to be inspired. Quite frankly she inspires everyone she meets as I’m sure your little Miss L does as well!! Your absolutely right that we need to take note and stand in awe at all the lovely things that we sometimes overlook!! Visiting from #faithandfriends linkup

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