Ready for an Adventure?

Welcome my friend! It’s a while since we had some fun so today I thought we would have an adventure together.

So grab yourself a cuppa & treat, get comfy & we’ll begin…

You get to choose our adventure today as there are three to choose from where I’m waiting for you to join me.

Just tap on the headings below to enter…

A Sea Adventure

A Mountain Adventure 

Hunting for Treasures Adventure

I hope you enjoyed our little bit of fun this week.

Until next time,


You’re most welcome to join me in The Reading Nook

Or in Prayer

© 2024 Jennifer M. Ross, All Rights Reserved.  

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6 thoughts on “Ready for an Adventure?

  1. Joanne Viola

    Jennifer, each one of these “adventures” was a blessing to my heart this morning. Each post brought a sentence which was needed today. I am so grateful you have kept on writing, and sharing, and bringing us all along with you on these adventures. While today is going to be a challenge, I am trusting God as my Belayer, and will be looking for the treasure He brings, and asking Him to keep me still and assured that He alone is in control. Thank you for sharing all three posts today, wrapped up in the comfort of the tea and words you so faithfully bring!

    1. I’m delighted our time together Joanne was ‘…wrapped up in the comfort of tea and words…’ & that God our Belayer is always looking after us
      sweet friend.
      You are such an encourager! I feel very blessed to know you! And pray that you felt God’s loving arms around you comforting you in your challenges.

  2. Good morning 🙂 I found your blog, by way of another blog and stopped by to read some of your posts. I ended up reading your story of your two babies who were lost and your testimony of heaven. I look forward to reading more.

    Have a wonderful weekend 🙂

  3. I read all of these again and they are all gems! My comment from one…”Jennifer, what an encouraging post! Jesus is the anchor in all of our day-to-day challenges. I am so sorry you deal with pain, it can make us weary, but our Anchor holds in life’s storms. Blessings and prayers🙏🏻 “

    Thank you, Jennifer for always pointing us to the anchor that holds!
    Blessings sweet friend ❤️

    1. Awww thank you sweet friend. I’m delighted you enjoyed all three adventures again. ☺️

      He indeed is our anchor, in both good times & in the challenging times of our lives.
      Blessings to you too Pam ❤️

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