The Love Problem

Love is in the air at the moment, so to speak, as we lead up to Valentine’s Day.

However, this time can be a difficult time for many who are out of step in a relationship whether it be romantic, family or friend.

But first let’s grab our cuppa’s & get comfy…

I have a Russian Caravan tea blend, I enjoy its ricey flavour with a slice of gf date loaf.

What’s your’s?

Finding yourself out step with Love

Yesterday, as hubby & I were walking along the waterfront, hand in hand as we like to do, we found ourselves out of step with each other.

Hubby’s stride is far longer & faster paced then mine (as he’s a tall 6′ to my tiny 5’1) making our walk together somewhat awkward & uncomfortable.

We both had to consciously make the effort to fall in step with each other.

He slowed & shortened his pace then I matched my stride with his, giving us a much smoother & far more comfortable walk together.

Love can be like that…

…what do you think love is?

A dear friend asked me this question many years ago (you met her Here) after we had both been through very difficult relationships.

“Jen, what do you think love is?”

We looked up the following definition of Love that is often read at weddings…

“Love is patient, is kind & isn’t jealous,

love doesn’t brag, isn’t arrogant,

does not act unbecoming;

it doesn’t seek its own, isn’t provoked,

doesn’t take into account a wrong suffered,

doesn’t rejoice in unrighteousness,

but rejoices with the truth;

bears all things, endures all things.

Love never fails…”

1 Corinthians 13: 4 – 8

sprinkling in hearts for valentine day on surface

Love never fails?

When we read the above it seems an impossible task to love others that way! And humanly speaking it is!

The end bit there, that love never fails, really gets to you when a relationship or marriage has definitely failed!

However, there’s a missing ingredient in this mix that is often left out, especially when it’s read at weddings.

This definition isn’t of human love but of God’s love working through us!

For He is the main ingredient in this formula!

Humans simply can’t love like this & before you object let’s reflect upon the following, asking ourselves;

Is our love always patient & kind to our spouses, family & friends…

Have we ever been envious or jealous…

Have we ever lamented over how much we did for a person, only for them to reject our love & kindness…

But we don’t see this as bragging in how much we did…do we! We see this as a hurt & rejection suffered!

Have we ever acted unbecoming in a relationship…

Have we ever argued because we saw that our opinion was right & the other definitely wrong…

Does that old wrong suffered bubble to the surface when a new wrong happens…

Do we grin & bear those really annoying habits of our loved ones, that really get under our skin, without commenting or complaining…


Human love is flawed my friend!

You see we as humans do get impatient, we can be unkind, we get envious & jealous, we brag, we can be arrogant & we can act very unbecoming in love!

We seek what’s comfortable for us & we can have a long memory of a wrong suffered!

At times we can rejoice in unrighteousness, if we secretly think it’s someone who deeply hurt us getting their just deserves!

We don’t always like to hear the truth especially about ourselves, do we!

And we don’t like having to put up with annoyances!

Yes our love often fails!

However, when God, is placed in the mix His love & grace permeates all these areas!

So let us consciously fall into step, hand in hand, with the Spirit of God daily because His love never fails.

Until next time,


You’re most welcome to join me in The Reading Nook


in Prayer

© 2022 Jennifer M. Ross,, All Rights Reserved. Photo by Monstera on 

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35 thoughts on “The Love Problem

  1. Joanne Viola

    Human love, my love, surely fails. Thank you for reminding me to allow God’s love to fill me for only then will I be able to love others better. Still not perfectly but better 🙂

  2. What a lovely illustration of keeping in step. My husband has much longer legs that I do, so we have to adjust our strides to each other as well. That sheds new light on Galatians 5:25 about keeping in step with the Spirit.

    We so often fail at Biblical love. How we need God to fill us with His love so that it overflows through us to others.

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