Freedom of Gratitude!

Welcome my friend! Have you noticed that when we are truly grateful for things in  life we experience a certain release from negative thoughts & emotions!

There’s an awakening to the positive delights that surround us as the negative aspects in our life fade into the background…There’s a reason for this…

This is our topic for reflection today the reason thankfulness begets an attitude of gratefulness.

First, shall we get that well deserved hot cuppa & leftover cookie that we’ve had our eye upon, put our feet up & enjoy a little rest from all the busyness…

Now we’re settled in, let us begin…

Did you know that there is actually a special neuro chemical exchange going on in our brains when we purposefully look for things in our lives to be grateful for…

You see our brains will look for the things that confirm what we already believe in our heart of hearts to feed either the ‘reward’ or ‘feel good’ neuro chemistry release.

To give an example; if I believe that negative things always happen to me in life then I will only recognize the negative circumstances to confirm this heart felt belief.

Every thing in life will be viewed through negative lenses. Which may get to the point where I will not be able to recognize any positive aspects in my life because that doesn’t feed the reward neuro chemistry of my negative beliefs.

However this can be reversed as research has discovered!

Refer 2

Conversely, if I look for things to be grateful for no matter how small, my neuro chemistry gets an extra surge of added chemicals which my brain really enjoys!

It’s those ‘feel good’ chemicals that our brains love & so do we! Thus, it will start to look for that extra release through gratefulness rather then negativity!

Confirmation from above

This scientific research only confirms what the ancient text already told us two thousand years ago…

“…in everything gives thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

1 Thessalonians 5:18

Here in Australia we don’t have the tradition of celebrating a time of Thanksgiving, as in other parts of the world but I love the idea!

But I do look to the moments of gratitude in each day…Today I’m grateful for…

* You my dear friend! Thank you for joining me here for a cuppa & our time of reflection together! I look forward to your visit each & every week…its a very special time.

purple petaled flower and thank you card

* My hubby who is a constant quiet & loving presence in my life. Always wanting to help wherever he can, meet him in Relationships

* Our daughters & grandchildren, in our combined family, are all well at the moment! That is a blessing!

* The peace & comfort of my home & it’s location by the sea, I so enjoy this area in this season of chronic health conditions. Shared in My neighborhood…

* The wonderful freedom found in giving thanks especially through Faith, it truly is an all rounder blessing!

So my dear friend, what is your brain wired towards to gain it’s neuro chemical release negativity or gratitude?

Until next time,


You’re most welcome to join me in The Reading Nook

Or in Prayer

© 2019 Jennifer M. Ross,, All Rights Reserved. Photo on

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21 thoughts on “Freedom of Gratitude!

  1. I hadn’t heard about the research that our internal thoughts change our brain chemistry. I’m the kind of gal that always looks for the positive (although at times I have days of disgruntlement).

  2. Thanksgiving truly is a great holiday, Jennifer! I’m surprised you don’t have that holiday in Australia, as I know at least Canada has their own version of something similar. Love your list too! I agree that making gratitude our practice keeps us looking in a grateful and positive way long after we’ve made our lists.

    1. No, it’s never been a part of our tradition Beth we have Australia Day, January 26 which celebrates our freedom as Australians in this great country of ours but no “Thanksgiving” per se.
      We started as a British Penal Colony so there may not have been many things to be grateful for in the beginning of our settlement history, treatment of the convicts (most having been petty thieves of food because they had been starving in England) was especially harsh & cruel back in the day. 😦

  3. What a significant reminder of how our physical makeup, emotional attitudes, and our choices influence us in powerful ways. Our Creator has been masterful beyond our imagination. Today’s sermon at church was on “hope”. One of our pastors who gave the message by defining that hope means to “wait, expect eagerly, confident joyful expectation”. He reminded us that hope is often unrealized because of where and in whom we place our hope. As believers with Christ living within us, there is always hope because He is the essence of hope.

    Have a blessed week. I so enjoy your words here.

  4. I enjoyed this post, Jennifer. I relate to it this way – when my husband and I are driving, he only notices the red lights and comments on them. When the light is green, he doesn’t notice the “good” things. They are taken for granted. I get some of those “feel good” chemicals each time I run. Blessings to you, dear Jennifer!

    1. It’s interesting isn’t it Laurie, delays in our daily journey’s can be seen as negative frustrations…when they’re actually preventing dangerous scenarios. Rather thought provoking…maybe a future post!
      Thank you Laurie, I’m glad you enjoyed our cuppa together today. 😀

  5. Jennifer, I can always count on encouragement for the journey when I visit with you each week. Thank you for your faithfulness to share God’s Word. How can we not praise God from whom all good and perfect gifts come! Blessings my friend!

  6. Very nice post! And I know it is true. I am somehow by nature an optimistic person. It comes easy for me, and others have noticed. I like to think that I can, on occasion, help others to see the good. However, they also have to want to see the good. This post does an excellent job of pointing out how important that is. Thank you 🙏😊🤗💜 May you remain full of Thanksgiving!

  7. It’s so fascinating to see the science of brain chemistry catching up with the truth of the Bible! Thanks for sharing these good words today. I am grateful for you! Blessings to you Dear Jennifer.

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