Concern, worry & anxiety…

Hi ya! You’re just in time to join me in a lovely cuppa. But before we get started I thought you would like to know a little about today’s reflection…today we are looking at what concern, worry & anxiety do to us…

Now shall we get our cuppa’s ready…I was given a new French Earl Grey tea blend for Mother’s day, so I have brought a thermos full & I have some chocolate & macadamia cookie bites for us to enjoy…

Today we are seated overlooking the bay, the beautiful Azure waters are twinkling as though a thousand jewels lay upon it’s surface in the beautiful Autumn sun.

The mountains in the background are also reflecting the sun through their Eucalyptus oil, that our beautiful Eucalyptus trees release into the air giving the blueish haze to our Blue Mountains, part of our Great Dividing Range here in Australia that snakes is way down our entire east coast.

Yes, my friend it is a breathtaking sight before us! Just the place to enjoy our cuppa & reflection together…Can you see us seated at the picnic table…

Let’s get started…by looking at what concern, worry & anxiety actually are…


Is defined as an; uneasiness, disquieting, apprehension, worry, distress, anxiousness.


The act of being concerned over potential situations…


A feeling of worry, nervousness or unease about something with an uncertain outcome…

Thus, if we combine those definitions above we get;

‘a feeling of uneasiness over a potential situation with an uncertain outcome!’

Did you know that concern is actually a normal emotion…It helps us to be alert to potential situations that may pose a danger to us &/or our loved ones.

It helps to put the body slightly under stress, which releases cortisol to put the adrenal hormonal response on notice, just enough, to keep us fully aware, alert & vigilant to be able to think & act quickly when the full adrenaline surge is needed…

But this normal emotion can also become abnormal hyper vigilant behavior, causing havoc to our mental health which in turn impacts the physical body.

Having cortisol & adrenaline carousing through our bodies consistently long term, overwhelms our adrenal system causing all manner of health issues.

Concern, worry & anxiety doesn’t necessarily come from imagined situations either but real & significant scenarios. Our concerns for a situation may also be further fueled by past experiences &/or past traumas.

Let me personalize this…

Many years ago, I had a medical procedure, that through medical negligence went horribly wrong, causing a major medical emergency for my unborn son & I…which can be read Here

Since that traumatic experience, I have real concerns with invasive surgical procedures.

Thus, every time my family & I have need of surgical interventions I feel uneasy over the potential outcome of that uncertain situation.

This weekend one such major surgical procedure is scheduled for our Little Miss L & it has me concerned. This is not the first surgery she has undergone in her short life but the most complicated.

How do I handle this?

First, I want to highlight that since the traumas above occurred, I have acknowledged & processed this trauma with my professional peers. I am fully aware that when similar circumstances arise my concerns can be further influenced by this past traumatic experience.

Therefore, I always have a good old chat with our Creator God whom I know as my Heavenly Father about my concerns, He is always up for a chat!

“Don’t be anxious but bring your prayer requests…to God”  Philippians 4:7

Then I request prayer support from an amazing group of women of faith that I know.

“…pray for one another…”  James 5:16

Then I put my faith into action by accepting & trusting that the Spirit of God will deliver the peace He has promised through Jesus following words…

“…My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.

John 14:27

I trust that God has this surgery for our little Miss L in His hands & He will be present in the surgery & with our family.

His peace has descended….

What concerns, worries & anxieties do you have today dear friend? Are they being fueled by past traumatic experiences that need to be acknowledged & processed with professional assistance?

Until next time…


You’re most welcome to join me in The Reading Nook

Or in Prayer

© 2019 Jennifer M. Ross photo © Jennifer All Rights Reserved.

Blog link ups Skywatch

21 thoughts on “Concern, worry & anxiety…

  1. I am so glad you linked this post at Maryleigh’s, dear Jennifer. It seems that God brings me back again & again to this subject of worry, as He knows I need to learn more. This is perfect timing for me also. I am so grateful that He asks us to lift our hearts to HIM right in the middle of the worries. Blessings to you today, dear friend.

    1. Bettie, I’m so glad this was a blessing to you today! I often wonder why He leads certain posts to be included at different Blog links & it always blesses me to hear it’s just the right timing of blessing for a particular person. Bkessings sweet friend ♥

  2. Cortisol is such a health wrecker! Thank you for reminding us that we have a God who hears our pleas and wants to comfort us. He also provides us with wise people to help us sort through our problems!

  3. Your posts are always such a blessing – even in sharing your heart and its cares. Thank you for being willing to share. Certainly praying for your little one and grateful for His faithfulness!

  4. I definitely find that uncertain outcomes lead me to worry and to imagine all the potential things that could go wrong. It’s so important to talk to God about it. Praying that everything went well with the surgery!

    1. Thank you Lesley, greatly appreciate your prayers. Yes, our imagination can run riot if we allow them to. It’s great to reign our imaginings over a chat to the Lord…bringing in His perspective on our concerns…Don’t you agree?

  5. Sending prayers for your Little Miss L. I am a worrier too, Jennifer. I fret over things over which I have no control until I remember to give my worries to God. I am so glad to read that His peace has descended on you. Thank you for this very good reminder.

  6. The timing of this post could not have been better. Thanks very much for writing it. For me when things are going well the old trauma anxiety kicks in and warns me that something bad is sure to come. A real challenge.

    1. You’re most welcome Elizabeth, I agree it can definitely be challenging when that old button is pushed but He can handle it & replace our concerns, worry & anxiety with His peace as we process it & release it with Him… 😉

  7. Jennifer, prayers for little Miss L. Concern, worry, and anxiety are issues I struggle with. Thank you for your wise words and I know that Father God is in control, I must turn all of my anxiety to Him 🙏🏻

    1. Thank you Pam, I appreciate your prayer support. ♥
      Taking our concerns to Him & sharing those same concerns with trusted prayer supporters is releasing…
      As we were never meant to go it alone 😀 Then there’s room for His peace to fill us… Don’t you think? 😀

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