
Hello my friend! Did you know that awareness is the first step to education?

There are many issues that need greater awareness in our global society, to hopefully bring a deeper understanding & empathy for those who are greatly impacted by these issues.

As a part of my professional portfolio, I regularly brought awareness to peers, students & teaching staff, community groups & corporate bodies on mental health issues, domestic violence & abuse, social & family issues that greatly impact individuals & our communities…

man wearing black adidas jacket sitting on chair near another man wearing blue jacket

In recent weeks, there has been Mental Health week & Fibromyalgia Awareness…so today I thought we would have a smorgasbord of personal reflections, as personal experience is always more interesting then facts & figures…as we sip our hot cuppa’s together overlooking the waters of the bay.

I have combined a Creme Brulee tea with a Lady Grey blend in the same pot…which is absolutely delicious! And I have an Apple & Cinnamon pikelet (mini pancake) with Jam & cream to enjoy, as I sip.

architecture building contemporary daylight

You may enjoy the following personal reflections on living life with Fibromyalgia…just click on the colored text to open the door to that reflection…

You may also enjoy the following reflections on looking after your mental health…

I hope the above reflections have given you a deeper awareness & understanding into those living with Fibromyalgia & into the importance of looking after your own mental health in the everyday routine, as well as, in the traumatic events of life.

Until next time dear friend,


You’re most welcome to join me in The Reading Nook

Or in Prayer

© 2019 Jennifer M. Ross, All Rights Reserved. Photos on

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26 thoughts on “Awareness…

  1. Joanne Viola

    Jennifer, thank you for all these wonderful links, which I hope to browse shortly. We need reflections to help us understand the plight others deal with an a regular basis.

  2. Joanne Viola

    Thank you for sharing these links so that many become aware of the struggles illness can bring to a person’s daily life. May we not only become better informed but also become a people filled with compassion. Blessings!

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