Peace on earth…really?

This is an interesting point to ponder, don’t you think…

Welcome dear friend I have a lovely cuppa & delicious treat prepared for our special time together…

Today we have a pot of a spicy tea blended with cloves, cinnamon & spices accompanied with gf apricot shortbread…

The tea is delightfully aromatic & the shortbread brings the memories of childhood to mind… 

We are seated at my dining table which has double glass doors overlooking our front garden.

We are watching a cheeky Australian Wattle bird fluttering around my blueberry bush picking its own berrilicious treats to feed its chick on a branch nearby!

Seasons of Celebration

In the season of Christmas we hear & see the following quote everywhere;

“Peace on earth & good will amongst men…” the Angels sang.

Luke 2:14

But is this just for the season of Christmas?

Looking at the headlines & listening to the News we know this planet Earth does not have peace!

Peace…what peace?

So did the Angels get it wrong?

Did Jesus’ birth just culminate in allocating an annual celebration of gifts, feasting & caroling that give us warm fuzzy feelings in the moment…

But don’t seem to have any real relevance in today’s world?

I mean hasn’t there been world wars & multi national factions through time to this present day!

Let us explore & reflect upon this…as we sip our cuppa’s together…

photography of trees covered with snow

I think we need to start with Jesus after all it’s His birth we annually celebrate!

As He is the…

Christ, meaning Anointed One in the word Christmas


the mas, means sending ~ sending the Anointed One = Christmas. 

So why was Jesus the Anointed One, sent?

The Creator of the universe, known as God the Father sent His Son,  Jesus Christ, because only Jesus could repair the broken relationship that had occurred between mankind & God…(read Genesis 3).

Jesus Christ accomplished this bridge while on Earth through His miraculous birth, inspiring life, sacrificial death for all mankind, rising from death & ascending (returned) to the Father..(Gospel of Luke).

And He continues to mediate for us today.

So…the peace on earth & good will amongst men that the Angels were singing about at His birth…is the gift of Jesus the anointed One from God.

He is the peace & good will of God, sent to us to restore the relationship!

His peace & good will is still available to us through His Holy Spirit…today… (Acts 1 & 2).

I do realize that it takes a step of faith…to accept God’s precious gift of peace & goodwill into our own lives…

~ by believing in & accepting His Son, Jesus Christ ~ the Anointed One…which brings us into a personal relationship with God the Father…

Therefore you may enjoy reading my personal journey of faith, shared in Digging for treasure…

Or you may find my heaven experience shared in Chapter Three inspiring to begin your own spiritual journey…you won’t be disappointed, I never have!

So dear friend…May you know the peace of God & may His good will become your reality through His Spirit in every & all seasons…

Until next time…


You’re most welcome to join me in The Reading Nook

Or Prayer

© 2018 Jennifer M. Ross, All Rights Reserved. Photo on

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27 thoughts on “Peace on earth…really?

  1. Rebecca Hastings

    You had me at spiced tea and apricot shortbread! 🙂

    Truly, your words lead us right to the love of God. And that is a wonderful place to be.

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