Challenging days…really!

Welcome dear friend! I have a delightful cuppa ready with a delicious treat for our time of reflection together today.

We are traveling to scale the steep mountains on the Alps of Life’s Challenges.

I know that every person that joins me here has those days that are more far more challenging then others.

For life has a habit of presenting mountains to climb that may seem absolutely insurmountable at first.

Problems in Life

These challenges may look different for each of us;

  • it may be work
  • relationship problems
  • family issues
  •  financial pressures
  • grieving over loss
  • chronic illness
  • it may be a spiritual crisis
  • a battle with mental health

& the list could go on…

What ever the challenge, we are finding it difficult & overwhelming at times.

Difficult because it’s taxing on our emotional energy, difficult because we may not want to deal with yet another challenging climb.

When we are already juggling the ropes from scaling the mountain of other issues & we are, let’s face it, already weary!

Weary of challenges take us right outside of our comfort zones.

Comfort zones that we are already, well, really comfortable.

And this new (or old) challenge we are facing is really uncomfortable & even a bit scary.

In fact it may be down right painful for us to face physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually!

As painful as it may be, did you know that facing life’s challenges do very important & positive things for our overall mental & spiritual health?

Let’s examine these…

Life Challenges;

  • Help us to stretch our personal capacities…causing positive growth.
  • Help us to face issues that may have become problematic in our life or the lives of significant Others…ultimately bringing healing.
  • Help us to grow within…building & strengthening our resolve for further more difficult climbs that will inevitably lay ahead in life…strengthening us.
  • Give others who may have already faced similar challenges, the opportunity to come alongside us…creating support & wisdom of community.
  • Forge important coping skills of resilience, patience & tolerance in life…
  • Also give us the opportunity to know what accomplishment feels like when we reach the summit of Mount Challenge…having succeeded.
  • Most importantly create humility…highlighting our need for a deeper relationship with our Creator.

adventure backlit dark dawn

Our Anchor & Belayer

You see we were created for relationship with the Creator, He desires to be our Anchor in our challenging climbs in life, the One who prepares, assures & fastens the safety gear at the Summit for us to scale the cliffs of Mt Challenge.

He also desires to be our Belayer, the One who continually monitors the ropes, taking the slack from the rope during the climb up & making sure there is a continuous supply of rope for a safe descent down the other side of mountain after succeeding in reaching the summit! However we have to allow the Anchor & Belayer to attach the necessary ropes to our harness for a safe & secure ascent.

Let me personalize this, this past week I had a rock shelf experience (where climbers can have a revitalizing break from the ascent) on my climb of Mount Fibromyalgia in the Alps of Life’s Challenges.

This rock shelf took the form of three unusually good physical days for me.

I was feeling energized, my pain had dropped a few notches & I felt mentally alert with no Fibro fog (shared in Listening…).

This was like an alcove of pure bliss & for a moment I allowed myself to take in the breathtaking view from this shelf, a view of my old well self, once again, scaling the heights of wellness.

Then came the day the rock shelf collapsed from under me, the fatigue hit hard, the pain cranked up & the mist of Fibro fog descended.

I started to feel myself falling into the abyss of discouragement but then the safety rope caught & held me steady attached to my harness of faith.

Because I had chosen my Anchor & Belayer to be the Creator God of the Universe & His Son Jesus, He will never let go of the rope & His anchor continues to hold me safe & secure.

I know that I will reach the summit one day, I’m assured of it…

It is always wise to reflect upon who or what we have anchored ourselves to…

There are those who choose to climb solo, relying on their own strength & experience for the climb.

They don’t see the need for a safety harness of faith, roped to an Anchor & Belayer.

This my friend is a very dangerous journey…

Solo climbers quite often get part of the way in their ascent on Mt Challenge & become completely exhausted by their efforts, becoming stuck on the mountainside unable to move.

This situation has a very high possibility of a tragic outcome causing severe emotional & spiritual injuries.

As a Clinical Counselor I have seen too many lives devastated in this way.

Who is your Anchor & Belayer my friend?

Until next time,


You’re most welcome to join me in The Reading Nook

Or in Prayer

© 2018 Jennifer M. Ross, All Rights Reserved. Photo on

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21 thoughts on “Challenging days…really!

  1. How well you have articulated challenges and given us a glimpse into your own as well. Thank you for reminding us of truth to remember when we face our own challenges and mountains.

  2. I like the positive aspects of challenges you highlight. I agree, often we can look back and see growth and see how God has worked in those challenging times. I’m grateful that Jesus is our anchor and we are secure in him!

  3. You’ve been in my thoughts the past week or two. Xx Your post is very thought provoking for me Jennifer…it made me consider how we can remain shackled to an old and long gone version of ourselves…”a view of my old well self, once again, scaling the heights of wellness.” If we could see the alcove as 3 bonus days; for proactively engaging in the self-care of our present and only self and as a free gift to use as we wish! Xx

    1. Thank you Marie, yes we definitely need to be kind to ourselves in our new norms, it was a great blessing having my rock shelf time & I enjoyed the moment & learnt valuable lessons within the experience 😉 .
      I like your term “bonus” days ♡
      Blessings to you dear friend…

  4. Dear Jennifer,
    Thank you for these precious word pictures today. How wonderful when those “good” days give us sweet breaks, but it is so hard when the pain returns, isn’t it? I am sorry that you have had to suffer that again.But how beautifully the Lord met you, and showed you the strength of His support. May I continue to allow His support to hold me also. I am so grateful for your sharing today, dear friend. Blessings to you!

    1. Thank you Bettie, it’s interesting how we get so used to living with pain that it becomes our norm & then when those rare days come where the pain lessens we realize just how much pain we have been living with. But the respite is a chance to enjoy the moment & take stock of where we are at with it all. And when the pain cranks up again, how we are traveling within that as well, yes it is hard.
      But His strength holds us tight. Praise Him!

  5. Jennifer, what an encouraging post! Jesus is the anchor in all of our day-to-day challenges. I am so sorry you deal with pain, it can make us weary, but our Anchor holds in life’s storms. Blessings and prayers🙏🏻

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