What do we do with Heartache…

It comes to us all…doesn’t it…

Welcome dear friend, it’s time for us to sit & enjoy a cuppa, while we reflect upon some of the more difficult issues in life…

Grab your favorite beverage & tidbit of deliciousness…I’m having a cup of Chai tea made with almond milk & a bliss ball made from raw cocoa, almond meal, dates & coconut…mmmm…Delicious!


Heartache, heartbreak, sadness of heart or heart brokenness are all a part of life on planet earth…you too may have had your fair share of it, maybe it was a lost love; or a betrayal from a once special someone.

Or it may have been the death of your loved one or one who you didn’t get the chance to show love to…as is part of my story which can be read in Emotional processes

Whatever the cause of the agony of heart, it can be excruciatingly painful! I remember when my late husband lost his life to brain cancer, as I wept the night of his passing…my heart physically hurt because I was in such agony in losing my dear sweet gentle man…

But heartache can also come to us out of concern for others…we may get the sudden news from a dear friend or family member, that they are now facing a life changing & difficult situation..

pexels-photo-371433.jpegIt may be a devastating diagnosis; or it may be a fatal or near fatal accident with life changing injuries; or the consequences of unwise choices in their life.

Or it may be a financial issue that will now severely impact their lives…the list could go on…but our heart truly aches for them…

Our Reaction to heartache

Our first reaction may want to take this pain from them…or we may want to try & fix it…or help them in whatever way possible…& yes these are all noble thoughts to our initial reaction…but are they the correct ones for the situation?

Actually this is the time that we need to stop reacting & think very carefully & wisely about the type of support that is actually needed…the other person may need us to just be…

To be praying for them in what they are now facing, to be sensitive to their need to act & react in their new situation, to be available for them to share how they are feeling or not feeling.

To be giving them much needed time to themselves to grasp, grieve & adjust to this major life changing circumstance… otherwise we can actually be a hindrance to them!

Allowing God to do His work

We also need to allow God to do His work in the situation, as the following ancient script wisely tells us;

“For I will turn their mourning into joy & will comfort them, & give them joy for their sorrow.”

Jeremiah 31:13b Refer

We can offer & give them much needed love, emotional support & care….assuring we are there for them, upholding them in prayer, as they face this new norm but it is not our place to take it away, fix it or take over the situation for them.

We can offer support in many ways but please allow them to have the freedom to either graciously accept or refuse any practical offer of support without any offence being taken…as none would be intended.

Well that brings us to the end of our reflection for today…I hope this has given you some food for thought…

Until next time dear friend…


You’re most welcome to join me in The Reading Nook

Or in Prayer

© 2018 Jennifer M. Ross, teawithjennifer.blog, All Rights Reserved. Photo on Pexels.com

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32 thoughts on “What do we do with Heartache…

  1. EsmeSalon

    Thanks so much for participating and sharing at SSPS 304.  See you again next week at https://esmesalon.com/tag/seniorsalonpitstop/ 
    As I am on the other side of the world as my siblings, its very difficult (at this moment) as all three of them are having HUGE health issues and when I heard of them one by one, I felt gutted, but all I can offer is prayer and checking in with them on a regular basis via messages and calls.

    1. I’m saddened to hear your siblings are struggling with health concerns Esme & that you’re not able to visit with them because of the vast distances, that indeed is difficult.
      Although I’m glad for modern technology which allows instant communication.
      Prayer in these times is such a wonderous thing that we can do knowing that our Heavenly Father hears & answers, as well as comforts. Blessings my friend…

  2. Oh, Jennifer, you have hit the nail on the head with this post. When those close to me suffer heartache, I immediately try to be the fixer. Action is my first response. I need to stop, consider the situation, and JUST BE. Thank you for this.

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