Storms of life…

Welcome, we are having a different tea & reflection time together today, it has been raining here for three weeks now with some mighty powerful storms passing through, with only three days of sunshine in between.

I have a Gf Apple Strudel cake with homemade lemon butter ready with a cup of lemon grass tea or if you would prefer I do have coffee.

I have found that the flavours of Apple & lemon are great companions & they don’t disappoint.

Today’s cake is particularly moist, the lemon grass tea is both home grown & brewed.

I thought we would have a simple time of reflection with a poetry reading…

big waves under cloudy sky


Rain, rain, rain & more rain!

Wind blowing strong,

Chilling cold creeping into bones,

Chattering teeth,

Muscles tense & shivering,

Increasing cold, cold & freezing!

Warmth introduced,

Spreading through,

Muscles relax,

Cold decreasing,

Warm, warmer, warmest…

On a cold, windy & rainy day we seek a warm sheltered place & a hot cuppa, Don’t we?

To bring warmth & comfort to our bodies which brings a sense of wellbeing, as we thaw from our exposure to the bad weather.

Let’s change the poem now to the times when we are in the midst of a soul storm exposed to life’s battering & heartache;


Stress, stress, stress & more stress, 

Wrenching soul winds blowing,

Anxiety creeping into heart places, 

Wrestling sleep,

Increasing worry, worry & more worry!

Jesus introduced,

Spreading His peace through,

Heart places relax,

Anxiety, stress & worry decreased,

Peace, peace, perfect peace…

We need to seek a sheltered place for our souls too, don’t we?

And to drink the continual cup of His love that is available to us that brings comfort to our weathered souls.

Let us ask ourselves, in this time of poetic reflection.

Where are we seeking shelter for our souls when facing life’s storms?

In things & people or in the One who can truly bring peace to our weary souls, Jesus.

He said;

 “Come to me all those of you who are

weary & burdened

& I will give you rest [for your souls].”

Matthew 11: 28

I enjoyed sharing our poetry reading together today, our delicious treat & cuppa are now finished.

But you’re welcome to stay & linger awhile dear friend & enjoy my reflection in Home sweet home…

Until next time…


You’re most welcome to join me in The Reading Nook

Or in Prayer

© 2018, Jennifer M. Ross, All rights reserved. Photo by

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28 thoughts on “Storms of life…

  1. EsmeSalon

    Dear Jennifer. I am happy to let you know that you are one of the top 6 posts and will be featured on Monday SSPS and I have already shared on Pinterest.

  2. Joanne Viola

    “Where are we seeking shelter for our souls when facing life’s storms?” A most important and powerful question to ask ourselves. I want to prepare ahead of time so that when those storms of life hit, I know His Word and where to turn for strength and wisdom. This was beautiful to read while enjoying my coffee this morning 🙂

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